When the cool temps come in and the pond thinks it's still summer, you get the steam rising off the pond in the early light. The view from the porch.
The House Finches grace us at the office more than they do at my porch. Same thing with the Lesser Goldfinches. So we get 'em where we can.
Here is a female House Finch at my watering dish at the office deck.
A rare visit of a Blue Jay at the watering dish. They are big-time hit-and-run artists.
Our pound puppy Mirabelle is settling in, and submitting to a little training. Very little, that is.
A Black-crested Titmouse at the feeder just off the porch.
We were excited to see a returning Great Blue Heron, first time since the pond filled back up. We have also heard a Kingfisher and Green Heron, but no pix yet.
A couple of male White-crowned Sparrows at the base of the platform feeder. A significant part of this pic is that there is green stuff in it, called grass.
This Tree Sparrow was checking out its image prior to taking a sip. Yes, those are blooms of a lantana below, another recent addition thanks to RAIN!
This Sparrow can't pause for long, there are lots of buddies waiting to take their turn.
A Chickadee and Sparrow at the porch feeder.
In honor of our friends and relatives who are St. Louis Cardinal fans. A series win well-deserved.
Male Cardinal at the feeder. I know that if there is seed in the feeders, they will come, whatever the season.
A House Sparrow that nests in our Purple Martin house. I guess everybody needs a place to live.
This Chickadee was just off the deck at the office.
It is rare to get the lighting so that you can see their eyes. They always disappear into the black feathers of their heads.
We have 'spotted' the Spotted Towhee at office and porch, and they have been very elusive. I got this blurry shot under the deck at the office. Stay tuned; this hunter will get his prey!
This fellow dropped in at the office deck, probably because some days there is a flock of White-wing dove gorging on my seed. Pretty sure this is a Red-tail Hawk.
I was firing as fast as I could, 'cause I knew he wouldn't be there for long.
The Scrub Jays are still hanging around the office deck, and with the window open, gave me the opportunity to get some good shots this week.
This shot is illustrative, as they are very loud and persistent, as their cousins the Blue Jay.
A parting shot of the pond as the sun rises and reveals deeper colors and brighter glory; the Glory of the Lord revealed in His creation.
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