Saturday, May 21, 2016

Pics of the Day

A variety of birds and blooms in the yard this day.

 House Finch enjoying the barn feeder.

 The Yellow Coneflowers beat the Purples in blooming.

 Jan loves the daisies.

 The wren with my favorite song, Bewick's Wren.

 This mama Blue Jay has been foraging a lot in the yard lately.

 Caught the Black-chinned hummer over in the salvia.

He flashed me just a little purple before heading my way.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Pics of the Day

Continued glorious weather with bright sunny cool mornings allow a little porch time photography before heading to the office. Beautiful sunny afternoons offer the same.

 Trying to get along for a little breakfast.

 Just stay cool, we'll all be alright.

 No, YOU stay cool.


 Morning glories in the middle of the yard.

 This one a different variety coming up in the near bed.

 And an afternoon of catching the Ruby at the garden feeder.

Didn't catch a lot of fire, but did get a little stop-action.