In an earlier post we showed you a female Baltimore Oriole on the hummingbird feeder at the house. It wasn't long before we saw this male at the water dish at the office.
The treat was that there was another male in the Spanish Oak near by.
Dan's neighbor Anita Bradley then spied this one soon after in her son's back yard in Leander. So these guys were passin' through.
The Mockingbirds have been attracted to our watering dish, and even show up in numbers.
This little Bunting had me going for a while. I finally decided the only way I would I.D. is by the female. This must be an Indigo Bunting immature male that doesn't have all his color on yet.
If the beak was thicker, the coloring is like a Blue Grosbeak.
Here is the female Indigo Bunting, with rusty brown coloring.
The male Lesser Goldfinch is still faithful at the thistle feeder.
And is given to robbing the black oil sunflower seed as well.
The House Finches always add their color to the mix.
One morning at the office a Ladder-backed woodpecker was bouncing around the trees on the back side of the office.
He seemed to be oblivious to my presence, but the lighting wasn't working with me.
From past experience I recognize the call of the Western Scrub Jay, but have not seen them regularly for quite a while. I was amazed that four of them showed up recently.
And while Dan and Linda were vacationing in Colorado, Linda sent me this shot of a Scrub Jay. Looks like he's got an appetite for cedar berries.
This little sparrow stays down on the ground under the deck most of the time, but popped up to give me a shot. This is a Savannah Sparrow. Dan will be glad to know that there are actually different kinds of sparrows.
Still our most faithful, you can always count on the Cardinals being nearby and ready to come to the feeders when there is an offering.

The same day she sent the shot of the Scrub Jay, Linda sent this one of a Black-billed Magpie. Stunning colors.
1 comment:
No squirrels? It seems you and Philip may be smarter than the squirrels. Beautiful collection again. Teri
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