The Scrub Jays are still hanging around the office deck. This guy is literally hanging, on a feeder not really built for large birds.
A female Orange-crowned Warbler visited the water dish at the office for a quick bath.
A falcon was flying around the pond. Then we noticed that a number of Blue Jays were providing an unwelcome escort. The four Blue Jays chased the falcon out of sight.
Welcome back the White-crowned Sparrow. This is one that will stay for the winter, and sometimes well into the spring.
This Carolina Wren flew onto the porch and checked me over before flying down to the big oak tree roots.
He was looking for bugs in the leaves.
Reminded me of chickens the way he was peckin' and scratchin'.
These wild flowers popped out of the ground after our big rain. Any help in i.d.'ing them would be appreciated. The leaf is a very unusual triangular shape. Teri McDonald is our prize winner! This is the Violet Wood Sorrel. Teri, call me and you can come pick up your prize.

Here are some regular visitors to the porch. I am holding Evangeline Rose, and Viola Marie is striking a pose.

One of my favorite porch visitors, Mercedes Noel.

Morgan Wesley, Emma Ireline and Mercedes havin' some swing time with Papa Wes.
Evangeline Rose was a special blessing this morning on the porch.