Some years ago, some Carolina wrens launched from the same house, but stayed a little too close to the ground for comfort, especially when there are multiple cats hanging around. But the Bewick's flew very nicely to the nearest live oak, and congregated in a fork of some large limbs.
They spent a little time there continuing their chirping for food, but we didn't see too much more of them. Now the Bewick's are more noticeable in the yard, and I even see them foraging around areas they didn't seem to visit before.
Earlier in the summer, the Yellow-crowned Night Heron was regularly on the pond in the morning, and not at all skittish like the Great Blue.
He afforded me many photo ops, before the pond was covered with scum.
Like his relative, a stealthy hunter/fisher.
This is a Downy Woodpecker. His twin the Hairy Woodpecker is a few inches longer.
Now that I have my new id book, The Crossley Guide, I will change my label of this bird to the Great Egret. The Great White Heron does not have black legs, though otherwise difficult to tell the difference.
The Great Blue Heron just won't work with me on posing, so I had to get this one from the door of my car as I was headed to work in the morning.
A rare shot of the Green Heron, who is also quite skittish. I know, not much green, but I don't name these birds!
Back at the office, a Blue Jay pauses a second after filling its craw with peanuts.
When the pond was down to a few wet spots, the Kildeer were hanging out, and blessing us with their call that makes you feel like you're at the beach.
Sadie, our Miniature Australian Shepherd/Black Lab mix, was still long enough for a portrait. She chews everything, but hasn't started on the house siding yet.
Mirabelle is still running herd on Sadie, but it won't be long until Sadie is faster, and then we will see a contest. As it is, they provide great entertainment with their antics in the yard, especially trying to herd 'W' the stray cat.
The male Painted Bunting gave me a few choice poses at the office.
Some magazine recently nominated some oriole for 'most colorful' bird. I thought to myself, 'Come on!'
A female Painted Bunting over the moon feeder at the house.
This male was enjoying the sprinkler being on the antique rose bush.
A big brown moth at the office. Linda Jacobson found this is the Black Witch Moth, and has quite the folklore that comes with it. Largest moth of North America.
The drought has been tough on the deer. This 'Bambi' was enjoying the run with mom. Mercedes always points out Bambi to Papa Wes.
And when the pond dried up, GG drug Mercedes new pool out and filled it with water to help the deer.
After getting a sip, they head back to the woods.
We'll finish up this installment with some hummingbird pics. They have been very active at the feeders. This is a female Ruby Throat at the office.
The Black-chinned caught on my porch when the sun was going down.
A female Black-chinned in the tree at the office, waiting her turn at the feeder.
And when she came, she gave me a nice pose with the wing spread.
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