April has been a busy, busy month. Not only busy for birds, but busy for the Griffins! Enjoy this installment of all the April captures.
This woodpecker has been coming close to the office deck, even visiting the feeders at times.
I was having a time i.d.'ing him.
This is the Red-bellied Woodpecker. Isn't his red belly prominent?
He's a hit-and-run artist for nuts at the feeder.
Cardinal in the yard getting his sunflower seed.
Cardinal at the office with a little morning back light.
Female Cardinal enjoying her sunflower seed.
A rare moment at the yard; 3 female hummers at the new garden feeder at one time.
Love seeing the hummers enjoying the Salvia at the end of the porch.
Black-chinned hummingbird at the office.
Caught this male Ruby-throated hummingbird at the garden feeder.
Female Black-chinned at the office deck feeder.
Perched on the top of the Carolina jessamine, the Ruby-throated was flashing his lights.
The Lesser Goldfinches continue to offer much entertainment with their thistle feeder antics.
Carolina Wren enjoying the hot tub at the house.
Ladder-backed woodpecker at the suet as long as it is there.
My favorite songbird, the Bewick's Wren, graced me with a personal serenade at the garden while I was stalking the hummingbirds.
Our first sighting of the Indigo Bunting in the yard.
Bully Bluejay all alone at the feeder.
The Great Egret cruising the pond for supper.
The tiny, wheezy, Blue-gray Gnat Catchers have been very active at the office oaks.

First sighting of the year of the Painted Bunting in the yard.
And as soon as he showed up, he was staying. And, he had a buddy with him.
What a difference a month makes! Jan's new raised bed veggie garden is coming along well.
A rare sighting, the White-eyed Vireo came up close enough to the office deck for a pic.
The White-crowned Sparrow at the office water dish.
I heard the unmistakable call of the Summer Tanager. And where there is a female, can the male be far off?
The female Painted Bunting, first sighting at the office deck.
The male Painted Bunting had been seen at the office, but it was a week before he came back and stayed enough for a picture.
At first glance I thought this was a female Painted Bunting. Then I saw her mate, and realized she was a female Lazuli Bunting, a rare traveler in our area.
Glad the camera was ready. The Lazuli Bunting is only passing through.
We'll close the month's photos with the Yellow-crowned Night Heron on the pond. We have also spied the Green Heron, so we'll bring some of those next time!