Saturday, September 1, 2012

Late Summer Catchup, Vol. II

The summer visitors provided a lot of variety this year, with our first sightings of a number of birds. Enjoy our volume 2 of our late summer catchup.

 This was a tough one to id, but I think we have a visiting Sparrow known as the Sharp-tailed Sparrow.

 Even now the Lesser Goldfinches continue to crowd the thistle sock as long as it's full.

 And late summer is when the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds show up. We have had quite a display from them recently.

 Some parting shots of the 'Wesley's Bunting'. His yellow bib on the breast sets him apart from other Painted Buntings. Haven't seen him recently, so we'll enjoy the pictures. (Thanks, Lucy!)

 This Painted Bunting was nicely framed by my oldest feeder, the old church house purchased in Fredericksburg.

 A little overexposed, but can't hold back that sun!

 Caught the Green Heron on our pond while we still had water. 

 He was clucking and flying back and forth, so I tried to get some shots of the action.

 So he lands by the big red-ear turtle, and I guess he's gettin' an attitude!

 And amazingly, the Yellow-crowned Night Heron drops by for some of the action as well. Interesting pose from the Heron.

 One more quizzical look from the Painted Bunting. Still seeing a lot of females, but the males are hiding in the woods.

 The tiny Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, wheezing around up in the branches.

 The young Yellow-crowned Night Heron has been growing and honing his hunting skills on the pond.

We'll close with this shot of parent and child, lookin' for crawdads and minners!

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