Sunday, February 28, 2016

Arizona Birds

We were blessed to get to take a quick run to see family in the Tucson area, and took pics of every bird that I had never seen.

 Even had trouble finding this one in the i.d. book. It is a Verdin, and seems to have its own variety of family, including Tits, Bushtits, and Bulbuls. So there!

 SIL Ginger has some wonderful bird viewing in her back patio. All it takes is this cake of seed called a Quail block. Say hello to Mr. and Mrs. Gambel Quail. Definitely never seen these before!

 We made a run down to Patagonia and the home of some folks that left it to the Audubon Society so others could continue to enjoy their feeders. Say hi to the Anna's hummingbird.

 She can flash a lot of red!

 Knew it when I saw it, but had only seen it in books. This is a Pyrrhuloxia, a cousin of the Northern Cardinal. 

 Know his cousins well. This is a Bridled Titmouse.

Must confess that I used to see this guy in Uvalde. The Curve-billed Thrasher. He has a song as varied as a Mockingbird, but not as pretty.


Vomitonbarak said...

Pretty pics...very good photographer.

Vomitonbarak said...

Pretty pics...very good photographer.