Monday, October 13, 2014

Summer Close-out

Once again overwhelmed with the bird activity as the season closed. And now with the quiet season, I have plenty of time to post, and no new pictures. So we'll take care of our abundance of end of summer pics in the garden, yard, and office deck. Enjoy our end-of-season close out.

 The pipevine swallowtail is one of our regular butterflies. The peach colored zinnia complements his colors well.

The tiger swallowtail got a hold of a neon zinnia!

 A sunny Saturday afternoon at the end of my porch afforded me this series of shots of the hummingbird checking out the zinnias, and no one to run her off!

 A rare time with two of the tiger swallowtails visiting the zinnias at the same time.

 Pretty sure this young male Ruby-throated is posing.

 At the office deck feeder, the young male Ruby-throated shows off a little bling.

 Some days I can get a good shot of our wide variety of daily visitors. Like the Black-crested Titmouse, Texas race.

 And the House Finch, and young male Cardinal.

 And the Carolina Chickadee, along with the Lesser Goldfinch.

 Those Scrub Jays are still pecking at the window at the office conference room.

 It's rare to catch a shot of the Chickadee and see those little beady black eyes, they usually get lost in the black feathers of his head.

 This well-lit view allows us to get the shimmer of his green feathers, and detail that is hard to catch when in full flight.

We'll close with this regal pose of the young (immature) male Ruby-throated hummingbird. If you look closely, you'll see somebody hangin' out on the bottom, waiting his turn to get something sweet.

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