Thursday, June 26, 2014

Last of Spring, Vol. II

It takes a while to get current on the past month's pics, so continue to enjoy the last pictures of spring.

 Campin' out at the church feeder, and the Cardinals provide entertainment in the sunlight.

 Incoming! Soft landing.

And a quick exit as the squirrel is ready for his turn.

 Black-chinned hummer checkin' out the action above.

Losin' light and had to use the flash to get this one of the Painted Bunting.

We have been graced much this spring with the activity of the Great Blue Heron on the pond.

 Another encounter with the White-eyed Vireo at the office.

 He was coming up close to the office window. Amazing eyes.

My best i.d. is a Brown-crested Flycatcher, normally ranging only as far north to South Texas. Welcome! And why dontcha stay a while?

 Obviously a female Mourning Dove, with the characteristic neck bling!

Inca Dove waiting for her turn at the feeder.

 Morning light at the office finds the Scrub Jay ready to start his day of fighting the guy in the reflection. (But peanut breakfast first!)

Black-chinned at the office feeder.

Good profile!

She's giving me a stoic pose.

Female Black-chinned in the live oak off the porch.

 Our second batch of young Eastern Phoebes on the back porch.

 This young Titmouse provided us with much entertainment, but was not amusing to the resident Lesser Goldfinch, who knows that bird is out of place!

 Whoa! Another indication that this feeder was just not made for him.

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