Monday, April 14, 2014

Spring Mix

The spring influx of birds has been overwhelming. I'm thinking about posting every day, so this stuff doesn't pile up on me! We are still experiencing cool temps for our area, but this has only prolonged the spring migration of birds. Our pics date back to March, so enjoy the catch-up!

 Our ever faithful male Northern Cardinal, perched on the blooming red oak, or Spanish oak around here.

The Chipping Sparrow is here for the winter, but soon will be gone.

Sparrows are my business partner's faves, since he used to think that they were ALL sparrows!

A male House Finch on the office feeder.

 Sometimes they display a lot of crimson.

 Male and female House Finch, with a male Lesser Goldfinch below.

The male Lesser Goldfinch struck a pose.

 On the left is the American Goldfinch, male. Not seeing much of them now.

When the hummingbirds are around, I spend less time on the 'Thistle Wars'. But they are always battling!

 One of those chance captures. Sunny day, good exposure, and the hummer's tongue hangin' out. I really didn't know they extended that far!

Hold that pose!

 Not a great shot, but like to show that purple throat when I can.

Look close and the purple throat has a scallop at the white body.

 Back on the porch, the Black-chin is checking out the new garden feeder.

Is he getting ready?

We close this offering with the elusive and reclusive Spotted Towhee. They are still around, and now making quite a racket. I think it's a mating thing!

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